
28 Feb 2023

“Every COP that I’ve been to has shaped my thinking, and in a really global kind of way. I’m working in a local context, but it’s always nice to look at what’s happening at the global level and try to translate that to the work I’m doing. I always felt like there was a disconnect between what is happening at the top, which at the highest level is the COP, and on the ground.” Adrian Leitoro 2022 Drylands Restoration Steward and the of Founder, Nature and People as One (NAPO)


26 Jan 2023

“The past year has flown by for me, but looking back, my heart is filled with gratitude, joy and hope for the future. Being the GLF’s 2022 Forest Restoration Steward has contributed enormously to these fond memories. Since I was officially announced as a Restoration Steward on the International Day of Forests (21 March) last year 2022 (super timely), my days have been filled with the new opportunities and program activities that came along.” Eva Makandi (Kandi), 2022 Forest Restoration Steward and the Founder of Light on a Hill Organization (LOAH)

20 Dec 2022

“We need to enhance community by building really strong trust with communities and governments that restoration is for our good, and for the good of the environment.” Camille Rivera GLFx Mindanao Chapter Coordinator, 2021 Wetlands Restoration Steward and the Co-founder of Oceanus Conservation 

YIL is growing – welcome to our newest biodiversity-loving friends!

31 Aug 2023

For those of us that want to build a brighter present and future for people and nature, organizing and strengthening networks of like-minded young activists is key. With this goal in mind, we are delighted to announce the latest member of the Youth in landscapes Initiative: the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN)!

Last chance: Become a Restoration Steward in 2024

27 Jul 2023

One of our main goals at the Youth in Landscapes Initiative is to create a space for young people across the Majority World to take meaningful action for our planet. So, we’d like to invite you to check out some of our upcoming opportunities: the Landscape Leadership Workshop and the GLF Youth Digital Regional Dialogues. These events are designed to help you grow as a landscape leader, and we’d be delighted to see you there! In today’s newsletter, we have

What does a healthy Earth mean to you?

30 Jun 2023

Building a fairer and more just world is no easy feat, and it can often feel overwhelming – especially considering the vast scale of the planetary challenges we face. Despite the difficulties, many young people like you are on the frontline of the battle to restore and conserve our planet’s ecosystems.So, this month , we bring you some words of wisdom from our 2023 Ocean Restoration Stewards, Samara Polwatta and Levis Sirikwa, to help you get through the adversities you

Ready to restore your landscape?

31 May 2023

There’s an African proverb that goes: ‘When you see a turtle on top of a fence, you know that it didn’t get there on its own.’ Sound familiar? No? How about this one: ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’ Working together is all about diversity and inclusivity. By embracing the different backgrounds, knowledge systems, and cultural contexts that everyone brings to the table, we can draw new insights to develop

How to get funding for your project

27 Apr 2023

In these tricky times for the global economy, it’s tougher than ever to find funding for a sustainability project. But let us ask you: what makes your project so special? Donors are becoming increasingly demanding and selective when it comes to choosing projects to fund. To stand a chance of securing funding, you’ll need to think about what sets your organization or project apart from all the rest – and then communicate that unique selling point to potential funders. Even if

Our top 3 career tips for you

30 Mar 2023

It’s never easy to kick-start your career in sustainability. That’s why we’ve asked three amazing colleagues from the YIL steering committee to share their expert advice with you. Here’s what they had to say!

Meet the new CEO of CIFOR-ICRAF at our upcoming event

28 Feb 2023

Our planet may be facing ecological collapse, but there’s no shortage of opportunities to help stop the rot. Whether it’s through advocacy, activism, sustainable finance, forestry or climate science, we’ve got you covered with this month’s top career tips.

What’s next for restoration in 2023?

26 Jan 2023

Happy New Year! From the GLF Youth and YIL teams, we wish you a healthy, intentional, loving and adventurous 2023. Over the holidays, we took the time to reflect on our relationship with each other and the world, and we’d like to share some thoughts with you about solidarity.

Work with us in 2023

20 Dec 2022

What a year 2022 has been, packed with new projects, milestones and special moments here at the Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL). This year, our network has continued to grow across the globe. We’ve established strong regional project teams composed of inspiring youth activists and professionals from across Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean. We’ve grown our presence in Africa with our very first GLF Africa Job Fair and the Young African Landscape Leadership Program, as well as in

What can we do now about the climate crisis?

28 Nov 2022

We’re back from GLF Climate alongside COP27 in Egypt – and we have so much to share with you! We went to Egypt with our luggage full of terrible news from all around the world.The climate crisis continues to devastate millions of lives around the world, flooding a third of Pakistan and large parts of Nigeria, and putting millions at risk of famine amid prolonged drought in the Horn of Africa.

Learn more about upcoming opportunities and different ways to get involved with the Youth in Landscapes Initiative by joining YIL's newsletter or following YIL on social media.