
28 Feb 2023

“Every COP that I’ve been to has shaped my thinking, and in a really global kind of way. I’m working in a local context, but it’s always nice to look at what’s happening at the global level and try to translate that to the work I’m doing. I always felt like there was a disconnect between what is happening at the top, which at the highest level is the COP, and on the ground.” Adrian Leitoro 2022 Drylands Restoration Steward and the of Founder, Nature and People as One (NAPO)


26 Jan 2023

“The past year has flown by for me, but looking back, my heart is filled with gratitude, joy and hope for the future. Being the GLF’s 2022 Forest Restoration Steward has contributed enormously to these fond memories. Since I was officially announced as a Restoration Steward on the International Day of Forests (21 March) last year 2022 (super timely), my days have been filled with the new opportunities and program activities that came along.” Eva Makandi (Kandi), 2022 Forest Restoration Steward and the Founder of Light on a Hill Organization (LOAH)

20 Dec 2022

“We need to enhance community by building really strong trust with communities and governments that restoration is for our good, and for the good of the environment.” Camille Rivera GLFx Mindanao Chapter Coordinator, 2021 Wetlands Restoration Steward and the Co-founder of Oceanus Conservation 

What can we do now about the climate crisis?

31 Oct 2022

“The climate crisis affects us all, but it doesn’t affect everyone the same way. Think about it: when crisis strikes, who is hit the hardest? It’s generally those with access to the least resources, who are most affected by the extreme drought, flooding, and hurricanes we’re seeing around the world. Right now, all eyes are on the upcoming UN COP27 conference in Egypt. How can we make sure that world leaders deliver adaptation finance for people and the planet?” Salina

Will you join us on the road to GLF Climate?

30 Sep 2022

One of the greatest pleasures in being part of a mass movement is remembering that we are not alone when we connect with our community through events like GLF Africa or the upcoming GLF Climate 2022 Hybrid Conference. You are not alone. Join your local climate activist group today – or create one with your friends. Join the GLFx Community. Discover how you can help achieve climate justice.

What is food justice for Africa? Find out at GLF Africa 2022

25 Aug 2022

The Horn of Africa is currently facing its worst drought in 40 years. 22 million people are currently at risk of starvation, and many more across the continent are affected by parallel crises, in the form of constantly-increasing costs of food and living, the COVID-19 pandemic, and conflict. When I first saw the theme of this year’s GLF Africa 2022 Digital Conference, I exclaimed: “Finally, time to shift our focus away from the global industrial food chain to the overlooked

How Africa can achieve a just energy transition

28 Jul 2022

“There needs to be a line between where we act and where we let nature restore itself – because nature is dynamic.” Adjany Costa. Advisor for Environmental Affairs, President of the Republic of Angola Dear YIL member,The GLF Africa 2022 Digital Conference is now less than two months away. On 15 September 2022, join thousands of other people from across Africa and the world in sharing ideas on how to build an equitable, resilient food future. Now is the time to get your

What do young Latin Americans want?

23 Jun 2022

We are beyond excited to invite you to join us for the first-ever GLF Latin America & Caribbean (LAC) Youth Week, which will take place from 27 June to 2 July. This week-long event, organized by the YIL in collaboration with the LAC Project Team, will bring together young environmental scientists, communicators and activists to discuss the reality of the climate crisis in LAC and share their visions for alternative futures.

What does community mean to you?

31 May 2022

For the first time in over two years, the Youth in Landscapes Initiative team finally met in person. What a joy it was to meet with our community and share ideas, visions, plans and – of course – difficult conversations on how to make this world a better place.

Another Africa is possible. What would it look like?

26 Apr 2022

This month, we sent a small team to Kenya to meet and learn from three young African restoration practitioners. Lanoi, Kandi and Adrian are three Restoration Stewards working to bring their country’s degraded drylands and forests back to prosperity. The team visited Lanoi’s site in the south of Kenya to document the wonders that community-led restoration can bring to both local people and nature through the lenses of Anthony Ochieng, founder of the environmental photography platform TonyWild.

There is no one like you.

29 Mar 2022

For the third year in a row, we’re sharing the stories of 16 Women Restoring the Earth to celebrate International Women’s Day. And to mark International Forest Day, we were proud to welcome an additional Restoration Steward for Forests to the 2022 cohort: Kandi, a young woman from Kenya. In this newsletter, we’ve asked two amazing colleagues and friends to share their leadership advice for all young women navigating the environmental field. Here’s what they had to say!

3 steps toward a planet-saving career

24 Feb 2022

From environmental NGOs to sustainable finance, from forestry to climate science, there are countless opportunities to dedicate your career to creating a better world. If that’s what you’re looking for, look no further: here are some special tips just for you.

Join the GLF Team!

27 Jan 2022

Happy New Year from the whole GLF Youth Team and the Youth in Landscapes Initiative! We’re wishing everyone a year full of health, intention, love and adventure. To kick off 2022, we’ve got a whole host of opportunities to join and work with the GLF team. Plus, all you need to know about climate justice in just 8 minutes.

Learn more about upcoming opportunities and different ways to get involved with the Youth in Landscapes Initiative by joining YIL's newsletter or following YIL on social media.