The GLF Youth Project Teams 2024

Regional Youth Networks for Global Transformation


The Project Teams are working groups composed of young and enthusiastic professionals and activists who work together to shape, plan and implement projects and activities for the GLF Youth Program and the Youth in Landscapes Initiative, in addition to participating in various GLF events. Project Team members are part of the GLF Youth team. They are young professionals, scientists and activists who contribute to a myriad of activities led by the GLF, in addition to forming part of a strong network of solidarity for young environmentalists worldwide. 

Currently there are three Regional Project Teams (Africa, Asia and Latin America & the Caribbean) and one Communications & Outreach Project Team.


Regional Project Teams

The Regional Project Teams work with the GLF Youth team in designing, planning and delivering youth programs for regional audiences in three regions: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean  Team members will meet regularly with the GLF Youth team to strategically plan and implement regional programs, which may include Instagram Lives, regional policy dialogues, workshops and networking meetings. Selected representatives will also join meetings with regional partners, support outreach to local networks, and provide translation for documents when needed. The regional Project Teams also serve as a space for advocacy, capacity building and knowledge sharing. As a member, you will get to learn about landscape management practices from across the globe.

The Communications & Outreach Project Team

The Communications and Outreach team works with the GLF Youth team to expand its social media presence by supporting outreach for pre-conference activities and competitions to a wide range of young people across various social media platforms. The team is also responsible for creating content for ThinkLandscape, the GLF and CIFOR–ICRAF websites, conferences, and promotional videos to advertise youth opportunities.

The team will engage with posts on the YIL social media accounts on a regular basis and initiate meaningful conversations about the content shared via these accounts. Prior to each GLF conference, the team will meet for social media training . Members will also be invited to join workshops led by GLF social media experts.


Our project team members are dedicated to promoting social and environmental justice in landscapes throughout the Majority World.

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Meet the 2024 Project Team Members

Africa Project Team

Faith Nangila

Faith Nangila is an environmental planner and manager, dedicated climate change advocate, and passionate environmentalist. Armed with a bachelor's degree in Environmental Planning and Management, Faith currently serves as the Communication Lead at Green Generation Initiative. Additionally, she contributes as a Citizen Scientist Trainer Volunteer for the World Water Quality Alliance, focusing on assessing pollution levels along the Nairobi River. With a fervent commitment to community empowerment, Faith champions the belief that communities and young individuals can be catalysts for change rather than victims of circumstance. Through her work at Green Generation Initiative, she has spearheaded impactful initiatives, including tree planting campaigns, environmental education programs, and community mobilization efforts, all aimed at fostering resilience in the face of climate change.


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Lordesturs Gordon Otuoma

Lordesturs Gordon Otuoma is a climate activist, Rural community developer and student at the University of Nairobi Kenya with interest in Agricultural Extension and Education with the focus on leveraging Agroecology for sustainable Agriculture and food and nutrition security to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for the mother earth.


He was among the brilliant youths across the world who got selected across the world to be part of the Workshop and Volunteers at the Global Landscape forum 2023 and was awarded a certificate as the Global Landscape leader 2023. A member of YPARD organization Kenya and a trainer in Grow Biointensive farming for smallholder farmers in Kenya (Machakos county). Worked with the Ministry of Agriculture national Government under state department of crop development (Marketing and agricultural advisory services) and a member of Eastern Africa Business Council as an agricultural advisor.


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Abalo Theopista

Abalo Theopista is a highly motivated and ambitious 21-year-old female pursuing a bachelor's degree in forestry at Makerere University, Uganda. She is currently in her third year of studies and serves as the regional representative of Southern Africa with the International Forestry Students Association. Abalo takes pride in coordinating forestry and agricultural-related student associations in 7 countries. This organization functions entirely online, and she has built strong relationships with students from diverse backgrounds, enhancing her cross-cultural communication skills and empathy towards others.


As an ardent climate and environmental activist, Abalo is passionate about conservation and sustainable utilization of the various natural resources availed to us by Mother Nature. She has been able to fulfill her self-satisfaction through participating in different projects and initiatives such as tree planting, plastic extermination campaigns, community sensitization, and training on how to grow and take care of tree seedlings. Abalo is confident that her passion, skills, and experience will enable her to make a significant contribution to the field of forestry and environmental conservation in the future.

Reponse Iradukunda

IRADUKUNDA Reponse is an enthusiastic undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Conservation Agriculture with a specialization in Animal Production. He is dedicated to making the world a better place by conserving natural resources and restoring the ecosystem. His studies have ignited a deep passion for agriculture mechanization and promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to foster a sustainable future.


Conservation agriculture, coupled with the One Health approach, emphasizes the interconnectedness of our actions on the environment, agriculture, and human health. It integrates sustainable farming practices, biodiversity preservation, and the well-being of animals and humans alike. With the global population on the rise, innovative approaches are crucial to meet the increasing food demand while safeguarding the planet's health.


His focus on animal production underscores the importance of sustainable practices to minimize the ecological footprint while ensuring animal welfare. IRADUKUNDA is committed to exploring and promoting solutions that balance meeting the needs of a growing population with preserving the environment.


Additionally, he is deeply interested in agriculture mechanization, recognizing its potential to enhance productivity, efficiency, and reduce resource waste. Sustainable mechanization could revolutionize smallholder farming, empower rural communities, and contribute to global food security.


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Gervais Muderhwa

Gervais Muderhwa is the Project Officer and Director of the Environment, Conservation and Climate Change Department at MKAAJI MPYA asbl in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). He holds a Bachelor’s Degree (Bac+5) in Environment and Sustainable Development. Passionate and very committed to biodiversity conservation, he leads to date and has participated in the implementation of several conservation projects by the organisations to which he belongs, including the SOS Biodiversity Project of Aquatic Environments in the DRC, the Rural Conservation Clubs Programme, the Project Saving the littorals of Lake Kivu and Lake Tanganyika frequented by migratory birds and which he initiated.


Gervais is pioneering several programmes and projects about indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC) in DRC following its successful participation in COP15 of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Montreal in 2022. He represented the Democratic Republic of Congo and Central Africa in the Charles R Wall Young African Policy Fellows Programme implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), through which he supported the African Negotiators Group (AGN) before and during COP15.


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Linda Dassah

Linda Dassah is a young leader from Ghana and the founder of the Africa Sustainability Ambassadors Network, a platform nurturing earth champions. She is an advocate for women’s empowerment, quality education, and climate justice. Linda has spearheaded initiatives like the “Trash to Treasure” projects, which transform plastic waste into eco-friendly school bags. Linda has also volunteered with national and international environmental organizations and became a youth landscape leader at the Global Landscape Forum in 2023, currently, she is implementing the “Green Minds” project, which seeks to empower school children to be environmentally conscious and contribute to solutions for a better planet.


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Abdelslam Taha

Abdelslam Taha is a dedicated advocate for environmental sustainability and social change. Currently pursuing a BA in Medicine at Zagazig University, Abdelslam co-leads YouthClimate Connect (YCC), a global initiative empowering youth to combat the climate crisis. Through YCC, Abdelslam and the team equip young individuals worldwide with the knowledge and skills to address pressing climate challenges, particularly in the global South and regions vulnerable to environmental degradation.


Beyond YCC, Abdelslam is committed to fostering community development and education, especially in underserved areas. As a change-maker, researcher, and advocate, he strives to amplify the voices of young leaders and promote environmental stewardship globally.


With a keen interest in policy-making and community engagement, Abdelslam believes in the power of collective action and the importance of nurturing the next generation of climate leaders. His ultimate goal is to pave the way for a more sustainable and equitable future.


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Manal Bidar

Manal is a Climate Activist  from Morocco, a vibrant Young African voice committed to building a more sustainable and just future. Her journey is a testament to the power of passion and purpose, as she has actively engaged in a multitude of roles and initiatives, from being the Communication Lead for the UNCCD Youth Caucus to advocating for climate justice as an Ambassador for the African Youth Climate Hub. With each step, Manal has been a tireless advocate for the environment, using her voice to champion causes ranging from desertification and loss and damage to climate adaptation. She believes in the potential of the youth to effect profound change, a belief reflected in her extensive involvement with YOUNGO, the UNFCCC Official Youth Constituency, and her coordination of inclusivity efforts at COY16. A strategic advisor for the Global Adaptation Forum, a sustainability consultant for IKEA, and a dedicated participant in a number of international gatherings (COP27, Un Youth Climate Summit, UN Ocean Conference, etc.), Manal exemplifies the intersection of passion, expertise, and action in terms of climate activism. In addition to her activism, she is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Institutional Governance and Political Science at Duke University. Through her diverse roles and boundless enthusiasm, she envisions a world where climate justice prevails, and the youth are not just heard but actively shaping the narrative of our shared future.

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Oseni Oreoluwatomi

Oseni Oreoluwatomi, a 25-year-old student from Nigeria studying at the University of Calabar, feels a deep personal connection to the natural world. Inspired by its beauty and diversity, Oseni is passionate about preserving and protecting it. With the opportunity presented, Oseni believes they can gain the knowledge and tools needed to contribute to conservation efforts, striving to create a more sustainable and resilient future.


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Nsikak Peter Udofot

Nsikak Peter Udofot is a young environmentalist, climate change activist and lover of nature. He is the best graduating student from the 2020/2021 Environmental Resource Management (ERM) set in the University of Calabar, Nigeria and also a product of We the People’s Rights Academy which have both fueled his passion and love for environmental equity and justice, routinely lending his voice against ecological injustice and inequalities both locally and globally. Nsikak supports interventions that address deforestation, climate change, illegal mining, oil contamination and other ecological concerns in the Niger Delta. Currently a co-founder of Biodiversity Rescue Club (BRC), he is on a mission to restore mangroves around the coastal areas of Cross River state. His strong desire to see a better world is evident in his work to ensuring that nature is restored to its original state, and that people respect the ecological rights of nature.


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Lydiah Kalekye

Lydiah Kalekye is an environmental educator teaching young children at Apollo Children Science and CBC Centre in Limuru. She also benefits from Inuka Afrika, a youth-led pilot program that focuses on climate adaptation and building resilient communities from a local perspective. This initiative has successfully created alternative livelihoods for both youth and older generations. Through this project, Lydiah has mastered the art of storytelling and is currently sharing stories on her social media platforms.


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Olusegun Michael Ogundele

Olusegun Michael Ogundele is a research scientist with a very broad inter-disciplinary research capacity in Biodiversity Conservation and specific interest in tropical African forests, marine and coastal ecosystems, Biodiversity and Climate Change effects, Managing protected and conserved areas, Sustainable development studies, Science-Policy interfaces in biodiversity conservation, Environmental sustainability, policy and governance in African communities, and conservation science and traditional knowledge systems. He has demonstrated research skills, knowledge and capacity through participation in national and international conferences, building science – policy interfaces and policy programmes that enhanced biodiversity conservation, Climate change mitigation and improved environmental governance in Nigeria, especially its local communities. His research activities have been able to develop workable initiatives and operative agendas for the development of science - policy interfaces in Nigeria targeted at building the capacity of biodiversity and conservation experts, policy makers and sustainable development practitioners. He is the Founder of the Nigerian Youth Biodiversity Network and the Nigerian IPBES National Platform. He is also a member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Commission on Communication and Education, (IUCN CEC), and IUCN Species Survival Commission.

Caren Otieno

Caren Otieno is the Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator at  GLFx Nairobi Chapter,which is part of the Global Landscapes Forum network.She is a dedicated environmental enthusiast with a passion for creating positive change in Africa's landscapes. With a solid educational foundation in Project Management and extensive experience in Stakeholder and Community Engagement, Strategic Management, Organizational and Leadership Development, Training, Facilitation & Capacity Building and Monitoring and Evaluation, she has been instrumental in collaborating with Youth Groups and local communities on environmental conservation & restoration, and sustainability projects. Caren's passion lies in creating meaningful impact through effective project management and fostering partnerships for positive change.She is committed to promoting sustainable practices and fostering resilience in local communities. Through her work, Caren aims to empower youth to become active agents of change in safeguarding our planet's future.


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Emmanuel Gichuru Muchora

Emmanuel Gichuru, born in Nakuru, Kenya, is a visionary leader and entrepreneur known for his significant contributions to Environmental Resource Management, technology, and sustainable development. Growing up in Nakuru, Emmanuel's early interest in environmental conservation was nurtured by his parents, both educators, who instilled in him the values of education and hard work. Emmanuel excelled academically, obtaining a Bachelor of Technology in Environmental Resource Management from The Technical University of Kenya and a Master's in Environmental Studies in Climate Change and Sustainability from Kenyatta University. Throughout his university years, he demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and a strong interest in leveraging technology for environmental advancement.


Post-education, Emmanuel founded BMB Eco-Group, an Environmental Consultancy firm in Nairobi, Kenya, focusing on developing innovative solutions for the environmental sector. Through BMB Eco-Group, he initiated various projects aimed at promoting education and climate action among youth and communities, including his involvement in the CIFOR-ICRAF Regreening Africa Project and his contribution to the UNEP Pro-environmental Youth Engagement toolkit. Emmanuel's achievements have garnered global recognition, making him a sought-after speaker at international conferences.


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Wycliff Talemwa

Wycliff Talemwa is a Ugandan Environmental enthusiast with a background in Forestry. He is passionate about Youth and local communities as key actors in safeguarding forest landscapes. He is currently pursuing an MSc in managing science policy interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem services under the Capacity Development for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (CABES) project at the Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny Côte d’Ivoire. Wycliff seeks to promote among diverse stakeholders the necessity of enabling conditions needed to strengthen the position of youth and young professionals in policymaking in the forest sector. He is a member of the Forestry Association of Makerere University (FAMU), a Local Committee of the International Forestry Students Association (IFSA), which is a global network of forestry students that strives to connect, empower, and educate the next generation of leaders in the forest sector.  Wycliff has worked as a Forester Environmentalist, junior botanist and Biodiversity officer on different Environmental and Social Impact Assessment studies and development projects. His career objective is to use the knowledge and skills he has gained both from school and working professionals to be able to conserve nature, promote sustainable use of the natural resources and make this world a better place.


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Jacinta Mwanzia

I am an environmental advocate focusing on climate action and food systems. As an unwavering champion for the planet and people, I have worked with local farmers from my community fostering positive change for our Earth and to the local farmers. My journey in the realm of activism is fueled by a profound love for nature and relentless determination to create a sustainable future. Driven by the fact that individual actions can catalyze global impact, I tirelessly work towards raising awareness concerning pressing environmental issues and promoting eco-friendly solutions. My mission is to inspire collective action. With a background in Entrepreneurship(Procurement), I leverage my expertise to address the intersection of environmental sustainability and various industries. Whether collaborating with businesses to implement eco-friendly practices or advocating for policy changes, I strive to create a ripple effect of positive environmental impact. I actively engage with communities through workshops, seminars, and outreach programs, aiming to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools to make sustainable choices in their daily lives. By fostering a sense of environmental responsibility, I believe we can forge a path towards a greener, more resilient future. My commitment to environmental advocacy has led to increased crop yields, thus lowering poverty, improving standards of living among local farmers. This comes after introducing local farmers to regenerative agriculture which is an adaptive way of climate change. These experiences have allowed me to contribute meaningfully to the broader movement for a sustainable and regenerative world. I have done several courses on Climate change, environment and Climate- Smart Agriculture where I have learned the science behind climate change, and sustainable solutions to be taken. The environmental journey has laid the foundation for my passion for environmental conservation and provided me with the knowledge to address complex challenges. Looking ahead, I am dedicated to expanding my impact and collaborating with like-minded individuals and organizations. Together, we can drive systemic change and pave the way for a future where the delicate balance between humanity and nature is preserved.


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Nancy Barisoa Andriamiarimbola

Nancy Barisoa Andriamiarimbola, a dedicated advocate for climate justice and gender equality, is a software engineering student at the National School of Computer Science in Madagascar. Serving as the Thematic Co-Focal Point for Gender and Land of the UNCCD Youth Caucus, she exhibits a profound dedication to tackling environmental issues. Nancy's EcoShe project in Madagascar, acknowledged by the Climate Development and Knowledge Network (CDKN), showcases her significant contributions to climate justice and gender equality initiatives. With her influence extending across continents, Nancy proudly represents Madagascar and amplifies the voices of Malagasy youth worldwide. Through her diverse engagements and initiatives, she empowers youth to participate in decision-making processes, striving to cultivate a sustainable and just future. Nancy eagerly anticipates connecting with fellow youth in the GLF Youth Africa Project Team, aiming to drive impactful youth-led initiatives towards a brighter and more equitable world. She is keen to better support youth and provide them with opportunities to thrive.


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Utetiwabo Adeline

Adeline Utetiwabo is a passionate advocate for empowering farmers and rural communities through sustainable land management. As an undergraduate student in conservation agriculture, she brings expertise in resilient agricultural practices. Adeline's devotion to creating positive change in agricultural sustainability, environmental resilience, and farmer livelihoods is driven by her lifelong commitment to learning and capacity building. She excels at analyzing complex challenges while inspiring collaborative solutions through her charismatic leadership and teamwork skills. She understands the interconnected nature of land use across sectors like agriculture, forestry, and livelihoods. Adeline champions integrated landscape approaches that balance productivity with environmental stewardship and social inclusion. Adeline’s goal is to amplify the voices of smallholder farmers and grassroots initiatives working towards prosperous, climate-resilient landscapes for all.


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Yegwa Courage

Yegwa Courage is a Medical Laboratory Science student whose passion for the environment is fueled by the multifaceted influence the environment

She has on general health and wellbeing, laboratory diagnosis, and other biological variables.


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Akwa Felicity Asibi

Akwa Felicity Asibi is a professional and impact-driven Creative Writer, Social Justice Activist, Researcher, and Spoken-Word Artist from Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. She has raised funding for a Social Justice Advocacy Spoken-Word Poetry Album titled “We are all Poets”, and Climate Justice Advocacy Spoken-Word Poetry Extended Play (EP) titled “Earthward”; released in July 2023 and March 2024 respectively. She is the founder of Rekuma Foods Processing, and Sibiscus Coterie LTD. Her literary works have been commended and awarded by the African Climate Stories, Climate Creatives Challenge, Global Landscape Forum, JOGAMA, and the Africa Rising Activism Award. Asibi currently volunteers with Jos Green Centre and Punchline Poetry Society: She is passionate about combating negative social norms, increasing women’s inclusion in governance, and achieving Climate Justice.

Christopher Adjei

Christopher Adjei is a passionate environmentalist dedicated to managing valuable natural resources and promoting their sustainable utilization for conservation, environmental justice, and livelihood creation. His connection with the Earth from a young age has driven his passion for environmental stewardship. Throughout his journey, Christopher has worked with organizations such as the Ghana Forestry Commission, ARocha Ghana, and Coevacop on diverse projects advocating for the preservation of forests, water bodies, and wetlands.


Through conducting scientific research and community engagement sessions, Christopher strives to raise awareness about the vital roles of ecosystems, particularly highlighting the interconnectedness of natural resources and their contributions to mitigating climate change, regulating water cycles, providing essential ecosystem services, and sustaining biodiversity. His commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable resource management stems from a deep-rooted desire to safeguard the planet's natural heritage for future generations and create a harmonious balance between human activities and the environment. Christopher is dedicated to fostering a sustainable future where ecological well-being and human prosperity coexist in harmony.

Mache Dolores

MACHE DOLORÈS is a Green warrior who used most of her time sensitizing youths and communities on climate issues. She has founded Nature Gives Back, which is a movement of Youths who seeks for a world where Man considered Nature as the most important wealth. 


Dolorès has a legal background on environmental law with expertise in Genetic resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge.


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Aida Namukose

Aida Namukose is an eco-feminist, photographer and climate storyteller from Uganda. She is passionate about human rights for all, nature based sustainable living, and an imperialist free Africa.


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Bright Kusi Appiah

Bright Kusi Appiah is a recent graduate of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. He currently serves as the International Forestry Students Association representative for Northern Africa. Bright has spearheaded various youth-led initiatives, including tree planting and community outreach education emphasizing the importance of integrating tree planting into farming practices (agroforestry).


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Nii Noi Kofi Omaboe

Nii Noi Kofi Omaboe is a development professional with 8 years of cross-cultural experience in research, design, management and implementation of programs and projects related to climate, innovation and sustainability, tactical urbanism initiatives for waste and transport, regional campaigning and youth programming. 


Interested in African Knowledge Justice, Youth Development Coordination and Urban Research, Innovation & Development. 


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Chrispus Ongom

Chrispus Ongom, a dedicated Forester from Uganda, is well-known for his strong commitment to the international forestry space and advocacy for sustainability on social media. He is the Executive Secretary at the International Forestry Students’ Association 2023/2024, following his impactful role as the Regional Representative for Southern Africa 2022/2023. Chrispus showcases exceptional leadership within the global youth community—He was engaged in the 2023 GLF Project and eager to continue his contributions in 2024. Chrispus is a firm believer in driving tangible results to address the triple planetary crisis, combining conservation education with hands-on initiatives. Operating a community-based tree nursery in Northern Uganda, he focuses on raising indigenous and fruit tree species to promote reforestation and landscape restoration locally. Chrispus promotes living in harmony with the planet and inspires youth empowerment. His active participation in prestigious international conferences like the International Forestry Students Symposium in Germany and UNFCCC COP28 in the United Arab Emirates shows his dedication to making a positive global impact. 


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Sylivia Opieba

Sylivia Opieba, hailing from Nairobi, Kenya, is a climate activist, SDG Advocate, and Environmentalist dedicated to making a positive impact in her community and the world. She is the founder of Green Got Talent, an initiative that advocates for climate change and environmental conservation through artistic expressions and talents. The initiative aims to raise awareness and educate communities on mitigation and adaptation strategies at individual to international levels.


Additionally, Sylivia is the founder of Waste Warrior, which strives to create a sustainable, planet-free world. Through eco-friendly activities such as environmental cleanups, tree planting, wildlife conservation, and promoting environmental and climate change awareness, Waste Warrior promotes sustainability.


Sylivia has been actively involved in various initiatives aligned with her interests, including Safe Environment Hub, Kenya Inter-University Environmental Association, Alpha Team Organization, Ubunifu Hub, YOUNGO (Youth Constituency to the UNFCCC), YOUNGA, and Egerton University Environmental Association.


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Nyashadzaishe Samukange

Nyashadzaishe supports the farming of indiginous plants through, Eny's Treats, a natural foods company that makes seed bars using seeds (mainly sesame) and other local ingredients. Eny’s Treats is a key driver for promoting SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being and SDG 13: Climate Action, as seeds are high in key nutrients and can grow well in arid climates. As a member of the Global Shapers Harare Hub, Nyashadzaishe actively contributes to the climate change support agenda as a member of a project supporting climate-smart agricultural practices for young farmers. He was also one of the invited members of the Climate Track at the Global Shapers Annual Summit in Geneva in 2023 and a live broadcast speaker at the same event. Nyashadzaishe also works to support projects in entrepreneurship and financial literacy, helping small businesses find funding opportunities. Professionally, Nyashadzaishe works as a professional accountant, and he is especially passionate about driving sustainability reporting in business as it calls for companies to be more aware of their impacts on their various stakeholders and the environment.


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Wole Hammond

Wole is a sustainability and development strategist with experience designing and executing green projects and integrating sustainability practices into business operations and development projects.

Wole is skilled in project management, research, advocacy, and facilitation within the sustainability, cleantech and climate action sectors. He has programmatic, business, and academic experiences working with non-profits and business enterprises in West Africa and the Middle East. His work has seen him mobilize green investments into cleantech enterprises in emerging markets to scale impact; support national clean energy policy interventions; and execute skills programs targeted at young people to gain skills for green jobs. Wole also works in communication and media, using writing, storytelling, and photography to raise awareness of environmental issues and promote sustainable development.


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Ndimuh Bertrand Shancho

Ndimuh Bertrand Shancho is a Cameroonian conservationist, climate activist and journalist. He holds an MSc. degree in Natural Resource and Environmental Management and a BSc. in Journalism and Mass Communication, with over 15 years experience in journalism & environmental reporting, species conservation, landscape restoration and climate actions across different landscapes in Cameroon. His passion for a greener, safer and more sustainable planet for wildlife and humanity to thrive led him to found a non-profit organization, Voice of Nature (VoNat): in 2019 where he currently serves as the Executive Director. He is also the Publisher/Managing Editor of an Environmental News organ, Voice of Nature (VoN) News & Magazine: . His passion for conservation is powered by his vision for a planet where everyone treats nature with love and respect, understanding that their wellbeing and that of generations is dependent on it. Aside from conservation work, Shancho enjoys adventure, reading, singing, watching soccer and spending time with family and friends.


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Naseem Hyder

Naseem is a graduate architect who is passionate about sustainable buildings, climate-resilient cities, climate justice and sustainable development. One of her notable strengths is her exceptional ability to work efficiently with cross-functional teams to deliver successful projects and produce outstanding results.


In 2021, she was selected to participate in the Youth Power Hack, where youth ideate creative and innovative solutions to help get the Sustainable Development Goals delivered. She further participated in pitching her team’s idea to an International panel, earning a spot in the top 12 out of 46 teams. 


Additionally, she is well-versed in informal settlements, affordable housing, stakeholder engagement and community development, having focused her research thesis on the topic, ‘An Evaluation of Informal Settlement Upgrading Initiatives: The Case of Soweto East Village in Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya’. 


Naseem is deeply passionate about the Sustainable Development Goals and is committed to solving global challenges and making a positive difference


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Michael Muli

Michael Muli is an environmental engineering professional with over seven years of experience in the environmental services field across Africa and Asia. His skills in environmental service delivery, project management (PMP® certified), as well as R&D, allow him to research, develop, and apply practical solutions to environmental problems. He holds a Master's degree in Environmental Science from Tongji University in Shanghai, China, and a Bachelor's degree in Environmental & Biosystems Engineering from the University of Nairobi, Kenya.


His commitment to environmental stewardship extends beyond his professional endeavors, as evidenced by his involvement as the 2010 UNEP BAYER Environmental Envoy. He is also a big proponent for sustainable living as a vegetarian and a bike commuter.


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Titilayo Oyedele

Titilayo Oyedele, hailing from Nigeria, is passionate about making a positive impact on the environment. She earned her Bachelor's degree from the University of Ilorin, where she focused on understanding environmental challenges. Her research on small-scale nursery establishments

in Lagos State, published in the Forests and Forest Products Journal of Nigeria, showcases her dedication to finding practical solutions for sustainable forestry. 


Titilayo, who worked as an intern at the Forest Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), actively participated in projects promoting sustainable forest management. She volunteers with organizations like the Global Landscape Forum and the Urban Tree Revival Initiative. Titilayo also  co-founded the Green Women Tribe  community, a virtual space for Nigerian women in the green sector to connect and collaborate. Her leadership skills shine through in her various projects, inspiring teams to work towards environmental preservation.


Titilayo's blend of knowledge, experience, and leadership makes her a valuable advocate for our planet's well-being.


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David Oyama

David Oyama is a professional educationist based in Calabar, Nigeria. He volunteers for Biodiversity Rescue Club (BRC), an ecology-focused NGO in Nigeria with which he provides biodiversity education for schoolchildren in Calabar and advocates for eco-friendly practices in his environment. He also designs and produces the graphic communication materials of BRC.


David also joins the active campaign against drug abuse and mismanagement as a staff of Nigeria’s drug regulatory body, the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency. 

Having dreams of a serene and peaceful society, David understands the enormous societal challenges hindering society from achieving a utopia. This is why he contributes his time to achieving the sustainable development goals 4 (quality education), 13 (climate action), 14 (Life below water) and 15 (Life on land). In addition to all his engagements, he currently works towards restoring the mangroves in Calabar South.


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Jennifer Uchechukwu Obiorah

Jennifer Obiorah is a go-getter climate activist, revolutionizing the environmental, economic, and SDG scenes. Through her organization, TeamUpcyclers, she slashed textile emissions by a whopping 20% in her community by upcycling textile wastes into valuable products and promoting climate, energy, and SDG education in schools, PWD homes, and IDP camps. Her policymaking contributions include being a delegate to COP28, the African Climate Summit, the 7th African World Heritage Youth Forum, COY17, COY18, etc.


Jennifer's stellar achievements have garnered numerous global awards. She is not just an activist; she is a global citizen shaping a sustainable tomorrow. Join her on her mission for positive change!

Sheka Ahmed Sesay

Sheka Ahmed Sesay is a results-oriented individual with a passion for humanitarian work and sustainable development. He was a member of the GLF Africa Project team, for which he is grateful, and he is equally happy to join the team again for this year. Sheka has been actively involved in community development initiatives and is a member of the Youth in Climate Action Sierra Leone. He looks forward to sharing his experience and collaborating with young changemakers across Africa to champion climate actions.

Hope Gondwe

Hope Gondwe from Malawi is deeply passionate about climate action and advancing Sustainable Development Goals. As an environmental advocate, he focuses on biodiversity protection and environmental sustainability. His commitment lies in effecting positive change within his community and beyond. Being part of the GLF Youth Africa Project Team, he will actively contribute to shaping and implementing projects and activities aimed at fostering environmental awareness and action.


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Charles Anayawa

Charles Anayawa is a dedicated professional with a strong background in environmental and agricultural management. With a passion for sustainable practices, Charles has actively contributed to the field through various roles and initiatives. As an agricultural expert, Charles has meticulously managed critical data related to seeds, farmers, and crop yields. Being an environmental advocate, he has gained valuable insights into the intricacies of environmental management, biodiversity, agroforestry, agricultural systems and the importance of accurate data for informed decision-making.


Charles’ commitment extends beyond data management. Having completed a degree in Information and Communications Technology with Geography, he possesses a unique blend of technical skills and environmental awareness. This interdisciplinary approach allows him to bridge the gap between technology and sustainable practices. Charles is an environmental champion, data expert, and advocate for sustainable agriculture. His contributions demonstrate the power of collaboration and informed decision-making in addressing environmental challenges.

Mwangi James Githinji

Mwangi James Githinji is a 22-year-old Kenyan, currently in his final year as an undergraduate student at the University of Nairobi, pursuing a BSc in Environmental Conservation and Natural Resources Management. He volunteers at GLFx Nairobi, where he works with the community engagement team. Additionally, Mwangi serves as the Chairperson of the Chiromo Environmental Awareness Club, a university club dedicated to creating environmental awareness. He is deeply passionate about environmental issues and enjoys nature walks.

Brian Kithinji

Brian Kithinji is the Executive Director of Policy Action Initiative, where he leads research, policy analysis and capacity building on various themes around environment conservation. Prior to joining PAI, Brian worked for CNBC Africa and AfriCatalyst, highlighting the inequalities, resilience and innovations in the African continent. In 2019, he was the only African journalist selected for the Poynter-Koch Media and Journalism Fellowship in Washington, DC. Brian is also a fellow of the African Presidential Leadership Program-Egypt, the YALI RLC East Africa, and previously served as the Deputy East African Community Youth Ambassador for Kenya. His passion for landscape transformation saw him selected for the Landscape Leadership Workshop 2023 and as a Speaker at the Global Landscapes Forum 2023. Brian also holds a Bachelors Degree in Mass Communication from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.

Latin America and the Caribbean Project Team

Jose Antonio Toto Borboa

Jose Antonio Toto Borboa, is an Environmental Engineer from the Tecnologico Nacional de México, and has a Master's Degree in Environmental Management and Energy Efficiency from the University of La Rioja, his experience is in the private sector where he analyzes aspects of ESG & Sustainability, as well participates in volunteer NGOs focused on biodiversity, political advocacy and restoration of protected natural areas in Mexico.


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Natália Brito

Natália graduated in Law from the Federal University of Goiás and is currently pursuing a specialization in Environmental Law at PUC-Rio. She serves as the Leader of the Adaptation Area at the Climate Change and Ecosystem Services Management at the Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development of the State of Goiás.


Natália is also the Coordinator of Advocacy, Actions, and Partnerships at A Vida no Cerrado (AVINC), where she engages in political advocacy within the Legislative and Executive branches, fosters multi-stakeholder partnerships, participates in socio-environmental agenda discussions, and monitors and proposes policies aligned with the comprehensive conservation of the Cerrado biome.


Additionally, Natália is a member of the Latin American Climate Lawyers Initiative for Mobilizing Action (LACLIMA), where she provides legal analyses, recommendations, and proposals to promote decarbonization and address the climate crisis at the governmental level. Her focus includes studying the UN international climate change regime, Brazilian climate policy, carbon markets, climate litigation, climate migration, and human rights. She is also a member of the National Youth Coalition for Climate Action and Environment (CONJUCLIMA), a social participation mechanism aimed at ensuring the implementation of climate resilience measures, focusing on youth agendas and needs, with an emphasis on racial, social, and climate justice.


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Lucas Kauan Nascimento

Lucas Kauan is a forest engineer, scientist and educator from Brazil’s northeast region. Born and raised in Bahia, he started off his career in the environmental and social activism back in 2012 at the Alagoiense Forum for Sustainable Development (FADES), while finishing his environmental technician course in CETEP/LNAB institution, which inspired him to pursue a career in forest engineering. Lucas holds a bachelor's degree in Forest Engineering and a master’s degree in Science (Agriculture and Biodiversity), both from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Throughout his career, he has worked in several fields related to agriculture and silviculture, through scientific and extension projects aimed towards rural communities, agroecosystems and forest protection. In 2022, joined Global Landscape Forum as a volunteer for the Social Media Ambassador program. Currently he works as a teacher and develops ICC Jr (Scientific Research Initiation) and empowerment projects aimed to the rural youth, for the Municipal Department of Education in Igarassu, through Ensina Brasil – Teach for All, in Pernambuco.


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Jimena María Araya Castillo

Jimena is a professional in Social Communications and Advertising, currently leading the Communication's Direction and Volunteering Coordination of Dìwö Ambiental. She has been a part of different environmental organizations and has extensive experience in working with indigenous communities in the fight for their rights. She has dedicated most of my career to communicating the climate crisis. 


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David Santiago Rocha Cárdenas

Santiago Rocha is an ecologist deeply passionate about safeguarding high mountain ecosystems. His journey began at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, where he earned a degree in Ecology, igniting his lifelong dedication to understanding and preserving these invaluable environments. As the CEO of Ecosystem Carbon Conservation, he leads initiatives to restore high mountain peatlands in the Colombian Andes, working hand in hand with local communities. His approach combines scientific rigor with community engagement, striving for lasting solutions. 


Beyond his business endeavors, Santiago serves as a scientific advisor in the Colombian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, advocating for progressive climate policies. In his free time, he enjoys skateboarding, mountain biking, or exploring Colombia's natural wonders, drawing inspiration for his music production and glacier climbing pursuits. With accolades as a Restoration Steward and a proven track record of impactful projects, Santiago remains committed to driving positive change for ecosystems and communities alike.


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Gabriela Gavarrete

Gabriela is a Salvadoran biologist, dedicated to ecosystem restoration and insect ecology enthusiast. She coordinates the Suma Un Bosque Project, focused on protecting forests from participatory communities to prevent forest fires, reforest and promote environmental education. She is a Global Landscapes Forum Restoration Steward 2022 for the forest ecosystem. Also, is a junior researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Tropicales de El Salvador (ITRES) and a volunteer at Un Pulmón Más. Her goal is to develop a strategy to bring scientific knowledge to the communities to defend, protect and restore our forests


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Javier Valdivia Navarro

Javier is an environmentalist and climate advocate with expertise in connecting financial resources with social and environmental projects, particularly in nature-based solutions (NBS). He holds a degree in Renewable Natural Resources Engineering from Chapingo Autonomous University in Mexico and pursued Environmental Sciences at the University of Extremadura in Spain. Javier earned a master’s degree in forestry from Chapingo, showcasing his commitment to conservation. Currently, as Rural Community Development, Principal at Terra Global Capital, LLC, he focuses on managing projects  in Tropical Landscapes, ensuring rural communities are fairly compensated through NBS programs. Previously, he contributed to climate initiatives at organizations like the FAO and the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre. Javier's global influence includes representing youth organizations at UN conventions.

Cândida Schaedler

Cândida is a Brazilian journalist and nature-based solutions storyteller, passionate about regenerative agriculture, food systems and international affairs. She currently works for multiple projects on restoration, amplifying causes through strategic communication and storytelling. After 10+ years working with Communication and Environmental projects, she truly believes stories can build bridges and reconnect people to nature. She loves to write, and Communication is the tool that most instigates her to face current challenges. In her spare time, you can find her reading, skating, running, learning something new, and writing to her newsletter. She is a volunteer at EmpoderaClima, at the Global Landscapes Forum and at the YOUNGO Food and Agriculture Working Group.

Jhonnly Jn-Baptiste

Jhonnly is an awarded young environmental advocate who understands how education can help a community correct waste problems. He is the Co-Coordinator for Global Youth Biodiversity Network and the Co-Founder of Youth for Oceans, both established in Haiti. Jhonnly has a passion for the UN SDGs, particularly, #14, which is “Life Below Water,” and dictates that we should “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.


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Lais Vitória Cunha de Aguiar

Lais Vitória is a young journalist at Brasil 247, an architecture student at the University of Brasilia and a master's student in information design at the same university. Both in her master's degree and in her writing, she brings up local issues in relation to the territory, whether in her undergraduate studies with the Kubeo people, in her master's degree with the Warao people or in her texts for Brasil 247 with the Xavante people, with the struggles of the black population in the Federal District for the regularization of the territory of their terreiros. For years she has represented Brazil at international events such as Rio+20 and the World Youth Festival 2024. She coordinates the World Youth Parliament extension project at UnB and participates in Engajamundo.

Federico Perez

Federico is a Colombian entrepreneur, Founder and CEO at Selvitas, Keynote Speaker, Board Member, IUCN Young Changemaker, One Young World Ambassador, and US Department of State Young Leader. From venture capital to spearheading transformative environmental initiatives, his career embodies a blend of technological innovation, policy advocacy, and systemic change. At Selvitas, he's scaling forest restoration across Colombia and integrating farmers into global value chains. As a National Consultant for the International Trade Centre, he has been instrumental in advancing Colombia's entrepreneurship ecosystem, shaping public policies with widespread sectoral adoption. Academically rooted in development economics (MSU), supply chain management (MIT), and tropical forest landscapes (Yale), he is deeply committed to climate action. Advocating for youth and cooperative policy development in Latin America, his goal is to foster sustainable, empathetic leadership and amplify his impact, driving resilient change on a global scale.

Karen Gómez García

Karen Gomez Garcia, a 23-year-old engineer in renewable natural resources from Mexico, is a member of the local committee of IFSA Chapingo United for the Environment (CHAUPEA) at the Autonomous University of Chapingo. She currently serves as the Regional Representative for Latin America in IFSA, where she advocates for the inclusion, development, and empowerment of local committees in her region.


Karen has been part of IFSA for almost 3 years, finding joy in socializing and seeking solutions to various environmental problems. Hailing from a rural community, her experiences outside her village have provided her with insights into the challenges facing young people in today's ecosystem. She is also a member of the GLF Youth LAC Regional Project Team, which further expands her understanding of global environmental issues and solutions, enabling her to contribute effectively to her community.

Janderson Sarmento

Janderson Sarmento, 25, is an altruist, enthusiast, and social engagement mobilizer dedicated to sustainable socio-economic development in traditional communities. He has previously worked for Greenpeace Brazil and the Sustainable Amazon Foundation, and currently serves as a field agent for The Amazon Conservation Team. Additionally, Janderson is a member of the environmental creative council under the chairmanship of the Environment and Sustainable Development Commission of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Amazonas. His activism is focused on creating an environmentally safe and socially just world that offers hope for both current and future generations.

Jesus Miguel Villaca Chipana

Jesus is a climate activist, a lover of rurality and the Amazon, and an agroindustrial engineer graduated from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. He is a member of Peruvian Youth Against Climate Change (JPCC by its Spanish acronym) and YOUNGO as well as a former mentor at the YPARD Peru Rural School and volunteers in different spaces for climate action and food systems. He firmly believes that diverse youth can co-create and articulate for and for sustainable landscapes and in the face of the climate crisis, from empathy and resilience, with systemic, intersectional, intercultural, questioning and purposeful thinking.


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Fernanda Lucia Galvez Aranda

Fernanda Lucia aspires to be a revolutionary for social transformations that fight for socio-environmental justice from grassroots organizations. She considers herself a constant learner of academic and popular knowledge related to territorial problems. Politically active in the collective Yachay Suyu, which co-creates and implements projects together with community organizations that seek to improve their local well-being. They are working on issues related to access to water, decent housing, and society-nature balance with anti-patriarchal, intergenerational, and decolonial approaches. Likewise, they join popular resistance against state or private neoliberal violence directed at bodies and territories through protest and participating in governance. They mobilize against the current regime that does not respond for the deaths of more than 50 Peruvians, the privatization of water, the benefits to the mining industry over local needs, the patriarchal system, among others. Additionally, Fernanda works as a digital illustrator and environmental engineer with experience in climate governance and sustainability communication campaigns. She seeks to work on projects that contribute to a transformation towards ecological, fair, supportive, and sovereign societies.


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Maxim Jaffe

Maxim Jaffe is British-Portuguese and since 2009 he has worked with socioenvironmental NGOs, social enterprises and farmer associations in the Serra da Capivara Territory in the Brazilian Caatinga, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.


He is trained as conservation ecologist (ARU, Cambridge, United Kingdom) & natural resource manager (UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal). Over the years he worked as an IT/GIS consultant, educator and socioecological entrepreneur.


In 2012 he acquired with his partners the Casa dos Micos 55 hectare land plot 6 km away from the Serra da Capivara National Park, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site. He and his partners aim to establish an education and research centre focused on Caatinga restoration and conservation.


He co-founded in 2015 Projeto Quipá, a socioecological startup that supports people caring for the Caatinga and for their communities (, running field campaigns in 2015 and 2019 with initiatives in Agroecology, Meliponiculture and Digital inclusion.


In mid-2023 he returned to Brazil and through Projeto Quipá and has collaborated in writing-up successful projects for organisations such as Fundo Casa Socioambiental, Global Landscape Forum, and BrazilFoundation. He works closely with the Semiarid Piauí Agroecological Producer Association as an advisor and aspiring agroecological farmer.


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Ysabel Calderón

Ysa Calderón is and ecopreneur and the founder of Sumak Kawsay, an environmental enterprise that promotes pollinator conservation, restoring ecosystems and research in my community ""El Higuerón"" village, Salas district, Lambayeque region, Peru. 

Ysa is currently working with honeybees and native stingless bees, being responsible for protecting and managing them, growing and maintaining different plants for them, and for our own food in the mountain.


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Nohora Alejandra Quiguantar

Nohora is an Indigenous youth leader from Colombia, defender of the rights of mother earth and passionate about promoting spaces for indigenous women and girls. She has a degree in biology and is a fellow of the Mi Sangre Foundation. She is the founder and the leader of the organization Tejiendo Pensamiento (Indigenous women for climate), which seeks to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and part of the UN Women Feminist Action Coalition for Climate Justice. She is currently working on on-the-ground initiatives to build resilient communities.

Jessica Hohlenwerger Nascimento

Jessica Hohlenwerger Nascimento is a dynamic leader in social communications and community engagement, with a passion for environmental conservation. With a background in project strategies and development in Youth forums such as Global Shapers Community, she has dedicated her career to fostering positive change within communities. She spearheads a transformative project focused on ecotourism and the restoration and conservation of the precious Atlantic Rainforest called Reserva Guariru (Guariru Reserve). Through her innovative approach and strong leadership, she strives to create sustainable solutions that protect the environment and empower local communities. Her commitment to both social progress and environmental stewardship serves as an inspiring example of effective leadership in action.


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Clariana Monteiro da Silva Peixoto

Clariana is an Environmental Management student at the University of São Paulo, a chemistry technician and active in a variety of socio-environmental impact projects. She is currently taking part in a FAPESP research project on Governance, Water Security and Adaptation to Climate Change. She is an articulator of the Engajamundo network, where she accompanies the Biodiversity Working Group and the São Paulo Local Nucleus, participating in advocacy, mobilization, education and participation in local decision-making spaces. Originally from Cuiabá/MT, she also studies the Cerrado and the conservation of traditional knowledge, integrating the human-nature relationship. She works in campaign planning, socio-environmental projects involving various actors and agroecology.

Pedro David Espinoza

Pedro David Espinoza is a TED speaker, entrepreneur, AI investor, and author. In 2014, Pedro became the founder & CEO of SmileyGo, an app that helped companies invest smarter. SmileyGo indexed the data of 1.3 million NGOs in addition to having users in 30 countries. Incubated at SkyDeck, his software startup gained funding from 1517 Fund, Frank Baxter, Jack Larson, and Haas Seed Fund. In 2017, Janet Napolitano awarded Pedro The University of California Entrepreneur Winner. In 2018, Pedro founded Pan Peru USA, a venture that empowers women to become entrepreneurs. With the support from Fortune 500s, Pan Peru has scaled from empowering 1 to 80 women. In 2019, Pedro wrote a book with Jorge Titinger with contributions from Eric Schmidt, Reed Hastings, and Dan Schulman. Pedro's book – Differences That Make A Difference – attracted 100 CEOs as contributors such as Pat Gelsinger who wrote the foreword. His book received The Latin International Book Award #1 Business Book.

Asia Pacific Project Team

Mahak Agrawal

Mahak Agrawal is an urban planner, climate science and sustainability expert, global thought leader and LinkedIn Top (Green) Voice, and former United Nations fellow. As a Shardashish Scholar and Environmental Fellow at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, Mahak earned her second master’s in public administration with a specialisation in environmental science and policy. As an Environmental Fellow at Columbia University, Mahak led the research project examining the future of food systems through its demand-supply chains.


She earned her first master’s degree in urban planning from the School of Planning and Architecture Delhi, India. She is a recognized expert in the fields of climate policy, ESG reporting and corporate carbon management, urban sustainability, and social impact.


Recognized for her achievements in accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals in India through public health initiatives, Mahak was nominated for the Gates Foundation’s 2021 Goalkeepers Global Goals Award. In various capacities, she has worked with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, the Government of India, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Bank Group, European Climate Foundation, and the Institute of Transport Economics, Oslo.


Mahak has served twice as an expert reviewer for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), authored numerous scientific publications, and presented her works globally, including at the United Nations. She is a Steering Board Member of the ITA Committee on Underground Spaces (ITACUS) and a TEDx fellow. In 2023, ITACUS nominated Mahak to represent the organisation at the World Food Forum. In her spare time, she experiments with her mum to create sustainable art advocating for climate action and a sustainable future.


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Nilo Wijaya

Please find below my short bio for inclusion on the website along with the photo attached to this email:

Nilo Wijaya is a dedicated third-year Forestry student at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), specializing in Forest Management. Leading by example, she currently holds the esteemed position of President for the International Forestry Students' Association Local Committee UGM (IFSA LC UGM) for the 2024 term. In her role, Nilo serves as a liaison between IFSA and CIFOR-ICRAF, acting as the Head of the CIFOR-ICRAF Sub-commission within IFSA. Her commitment extends beyond local boundaries as she spearheads collaboration efforts between IFSA and Connect4Climate. With a passion for sustainable forestry practices and a keen eye for fostering meaningful partnerships, Nilo embodies the spirit of environmental stewardship and global cooperation. Her leadership and dedication mark her as a promising force in the forestry field.


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Shuvo Chakma

Shuvo Chakma is a member of the indigenous Chakma community of Khagrachhari, Bangladesh. Currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Disaster Management from Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Shuvo is deeply passionate about environmental conservation and sustainable development initiatives that benefit marginalized communities. Through his involvement in the APAC Regional Project Team, Shuvo hopes to contribute to meaningful discussions, share knowledge, and collaborate with like-minded individuals to effect positive change.


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Muqadas Batool

Muqadas Batool is an enthusiastic environmentalist and advocate of positive change. She is pursuing her MPhil degree in Environmental Sciences. Alongside, she is also spearheading her project "EcoPowered Girls," where she guides and mentors young girls about sustainable consumption of everyday products.  She also worked on systemising waste collection and management in her community. Her research focuses on pro-environmental behaviour and attitude of Generation Z, women and the environment, and urban green spaces in marginalised communities.

Mudasar Hyder

Mudasar Hyder is a final year bachelor's student at Sukkur IBA University. His journey includes participation in declamation contests, holding leadership roles in scouts, and active engagement in university societies such as Business Management, public speaking, and the green youth movement. As a founding member of Helpers Scout, a welfare organization, he has initiated welfare projects aimed at aiding flood victims and organizing successful awareness sessions on autism. Additionally, he has gained valuable experience in entrepreneurial competitions, notably the Hult Prize, which focuses on sustainable and for-profit business ideas.

Dikshya Subed

Dikshya Subedi is a passionate socio-environmental and climate activist. She is  currently pursuing a master 's degree in Agroecology. Over the last four years, She has been actively involved in spreading awareness, advocating policies and taking action for environment and climate issues. She is Founder of Youth Action For Sustainable and Eco Nepal which aims to empower the younger generation to be part of change.She worked as a Focal Point of LCOY Nepal 2022 and 2023. She is star of OMLAS program which empower younger people of Asia. 

She  is the contact point of NDC WG of YOUNGO. She has been pouring her voices as Youth Stakeholders and conducting different programmes connecting with local and governmental bodies.  She is the delegate of COY 18 and COP 28. She has been walking in her egalitarian principles to be the part of change in society.

Claire Huang

Claire is a biodiversity-focused project manager (editor/ journalist) of the Environmental Information Center based in Taipei, Taiwan. Previously worked as environmental consultant in an accounting firm, volunteered in 2023 GLF APAC Regional Project Team, served as the youth delegate of CBD COP15 and GLF 2022 social media ambassador, and champion of 2019 Schneider Electric “Go Green in the City” competition. Her lifetime mission/passion is to contribute to the one and only Earth with her pen and works, learn like the ocean, share to this big-wide world, and practice in daily life.

Mujeeb Ur Rahman

Mujeeb Ur Rahman, hailing from Pakistan, works in the local government department as a secretary. His department provides facilities to citizens at the grassroots level and works for the development of rural areas. Mujeeb facilitates his people at the grassroots level and serves as the guardian of his village council. He monitors municipal activities, raises awareness about climate change impacts, and facilitates village people for afforestation every year. Additionally, Mujeeb monitors the Ten Billion Trees project and works for women's education and women's rights in the village council.

Asmita Rawa

Asmita Rawat, a dedicated individual with roots in the Alpine mountains of Mugu, Nepal, is making significant contributions to sustainable landscapes. Asmita earned her Bachelor's degree in Forestry from Kathmandu Forestry College, Her thesis focused on "Assessing problems and prospects of Non-Timber Forest Product Development and Utilization."

As the Youth Sounding Board Coordinator in Kathmandu for the EU Delegation, I connect youth to the EU. Drafting recommendations and organizing events, I include diverse voices and empower young individuals. 

From 5 months, Asmita served as a Climate Fellow in Chaukune Rural Municipality, Surkhet, Nepal. In this role, she played a pivotal part in supporting the preparation of the Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan (LDCRP). Her responsibilities included strengthening the technical capacity of municipal officials on the BIPAD portal managed and owned by the Government of Nepal, and mapped critical infrastructures, data collection, and analysis.

In addition to her professional endeavors, Asmita is actively involved in volunteer work. As the Committee Director, she leads the team of education and advocacy, launching initiatives like the "Klima series" to educate students on climate change. 

Asmita Rawat remains a dynamic force for sustainable development, making significant strides in empowering the youth towards positive environmental change. Connect with Asmita on Social Media! 



Emman has a Bachelor’s in Marine Biology and is a licensed open-water diver. He is the Program Officer of the Blue Carbon Program focusing on the Philippine mangrove database, mangrove restoration, citizen science for mangrove monitoring, and assessment of Oceanus. 


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Othniel Prathaban

Othniel, from Sri Lanka, is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in coastal and marine resources management. He strongly believes in a better life for everyone through environmental sustainability and is an active member of GYBN Sri Lanka.

Raksha Neupane

Raksha Neupane, a student from Nepal, is currently pursuing an Undergraduate Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science. She is an active volunteer member at CREASION and serves as the Province Vice Coordinator at Vision Green Organization.


Raksha is an enthusiastic learner who has participated in various training sessions, workshops, and conferences to contribute to biodiversity conservation efforts. She is dedicated to making positive impacts on biodiversity conservation.

Hafiz Jawad Sohail

Hafiz Jawad is a practitioner of “Global Environmental Affairs and Sustainable Development” and is amongst the top leading Youth-climate action in the region. He’s a qualified geoscientist and interdisciplinary scholar with his early careers in pure-&-applied sciences, mid-career around environmental sustainability. He advanced academics in public-policy and environmental laws. He works full-time with WWF-Pakistan in freshwater program. Concurrently, he is involved with UN-SDSN as Global Schools Project Officer, which works to integrate sustainability education into schools across the world.


His meaningful participation at UN Climate Conferences and other forums has catalyzed youth mainstreaming and their institutionalization in national climate agenda, and policy processes at the World Bank. He’s actively involved as a member of YOUNGO Global Coordination Team, MGCY, and Climate Reality Leader. His work and voice have been featured across continents. His intergenerational collaborations, engagements, and involvement in UN-constituencies have transcended his network beyond political boundaries. In recognition of his exceptional contributions, he was invited to the states for an exclusive exchange on Air-Quality of Pakistan, a Premium International Leadership Program, by the US Department of State. He is a member of several advisory boards and supports many businesses in just transition. 


Hafiz is a Global Ambassador of Youth4Nature.


Ghanshyam Bhattarai is a dedicated youth leader and changemaker committed to creating positive impacts on society. Over the past 5 years, he has been working to advance youth engagement and leadership, particularly in Food Security and Climate Change. Currently serving as the Strategic and Innovation Lead at the World Food Forum Nepal Chapter, he oversees the development of strategic plans, aligning team efforts with global initiatives. His diverse experiences include working with FAO Nepal, organizing impactful webinars, implementing SDG College Campaigns, and contributing to the UN Food Systems Summit. Ghanshyam also held the position of Regional Coordinator for South Asia at the Thought For Food Foundation since 2022, facilitating collaboration among young innovators in the agri-food sector.  As an Innovation Lead at Sarvaguna Foods and Kitchen, he developed nutritious products using indigenous grains for schools and hospitals  Ghanshyam's extensive involvement in different initiatives underscores his dedication to creating positive change in the agrifood systems.


Moreover, he was involved in the Himalayan Climate Initiative (HCI)'s No Plastic Straw Movement as a volunteer, Food and Climate Shapers Bootcamp as a fellow, LCOY 2023 as a Focal Point, Mahidol University's Training Program on Household Food Security and Nutrition Wellbeing as a Change agent.

Alokita Jha

Alokita Jha, a sustainability advocate from India, holds a master's degree in Sustainable Livelihoods and Natural Resources Governance. Her journey in championing environmental causes began with extensive involvement in grassroots initiatives spanning diverse regions of India. Subsequently, she contributed her expertise to a government organization in India, actively engaging in shaping environmental policies, sustainable agricultural policies, and fostering sustainable supply chains.


In addition to her impactful work on local and national fronts, Alokita is actively engaged in international climate advocacy. As a Youth Empowerment in Climate Action fellow, she played a pivotal role in delivering training sessions on climate action to youth across the Asia-Pacific region. Her commitment to global environmental issues is further underscored by her current involvement in various youth-based advocacy spaces, with a particular focus on advocating for measures addressing loss and damage.

Alokita's vision is simple: to continue her dedicated efforts toward creating a better planet. 


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Hello Gulö

Since 2022, Hello Gulö has involved in Global Landscapes Forum as a Social Media Ambassador and then joined the GLF APAC Regional Project Team in 2023 to date. In 2020, he founded Jadi PNS. Jadi PNS is a leading global platform that delivers informative, educative, and inspiring virtual talk shows, predominantly led by youth. 


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Ayadi Mishra

Ayadi is an architect turned environmentalist, currently pursuing a master's degree in Alternate Technology for Rural Areas at IIT Bombay. With a background in biodiversity spanning four years, Ayadi serves as an Advisor to the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, spearheading initiatives for youth involvement in this field. His work includes establishing microfinance mechanisms, educating and disseminating information, and promoting land restoration through best practices.


As a designer, researcher, and educator, Ayadi chairs WAT-GP, facilitating Global North-Global South dialogues through a project involving 19 ODA countries. These efforts are part of broader youth networks. Serving as the Contact Point for Nature in the Youth constituency to UNFCCC, Ayadi also founded the Biodiversity Academy, which has garnered over 1500 registrations worldwide in the climate-nature nexus. This initiative is expanding into an educational venture and has established the first-ever tie-ups with three UN Youth Constituencies for climate-land-biodiversity.

Reazul Mostafa

Reazul Mostafa is a student at the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. He's majoring in international relations. Reazul is a social worker at heart. He has a special interest in climate change and the environment. Due to the susceptibilities of his country to natural calamities caused by climate change, he has realized that if we don't take action soon enough, the damage will only worsen. Reazul has worked and volunteered for climate action projects and has actively advocated for the reuse of

plastic and employment for climate-induced migrants. He has particular interest in the global politics of the environment and climate. 


Because of his education in international politics, he understands that climate change is an international problem and that not every nation can make their voices heard. It is also difficult to work together

as countries, which is necessary to combat the damage of climate change. He wishes that an international system will be created where climate, environment, and nature will

get the primary focus beyond the policies of national borders and hopes that everyone will come forward to create such a  sustainable solution for our future. Reazul is also an advocate against corruption and an enthusiast of technology and data science.

Syed Danish Arafat

Syed Danish Arafat, hailing from Bokaro, Jharkhand, India, is a driven individual with a background in science and a current pursuit of an Executive MBA from the prestigious Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA). With a passion for both academic excellence and social impact, Syed has leveraged his skills and knowledge to serve as an influential advocate for change.


In a notable role as UNICEF's U-Report Ambassador, Syed spearheaded over 10 advocacy campaigns, rallying more than 500 students towards critical social causes. This experience solidified his commitment to community engagement and inspired his ongoing efforts to effect positive change.


Currently employed with Tata Projects Limited, Syed holds a managerial position in Finance & Account and Project Management. In this capacity, he combines his financial acumen with strategic project oversight to drive success within the organization.


Beyond his professional endeavors, Syed remains dedicated to continuous learning and personal growth. His multifaceted background, spanning science, business, and social advocacy, reflects a holistic approach to life and work. Syed believes in the power of collaboration and innovation to address complex challenges, and he continues to seek opportunities to make a meaningful impact in his community and beyond.

Jitha Johnny

Currently an Assistant Manager at Deloitte, a former strategy consultant at PwC and an MBA alumnus of IIM Kozhikode, Jitha has honed strategic acumen and bring in valuable insights garnered from working on ESG, sustainability, and decarbonization projects. Her clientele consists of multilateral banks, bilateral organizations, International Donor Agencies, public, and private sector firms across South Asia and EMEA regions.


She has steered multiple climate change projects, emphasizing the adoption of fourth industrial revolution technologies for circular innovation and climate resilience, as part of Global Shapers Community, YOUNGO and other youth-led organisations. She is an active proponent of sustainability and social justice and envisions a fair, just and equitable world for everyone. She was selected as a delegate for various events such as UN Bonn Climate Change Conference, Shape South Asia 2023 etc. She is a self-taught artist, published author and a home baker. She enjoys listening to soft music, watching F1, playing Poker and doodling in her leisure time.

Mansoor Aamir

Mansoor Aamir is the Cofounder of Oval, a startup that focuses on leveraging tech for social and environmental good. He is also the Youth Advisory Board Member at, WEF's Trillion Trees initiative.


Mansoor is passionate about using technology to drive impact and has been recognized for his outstanding work in the field. He has won several awards for the impact Oval has had on the community. Mansoor is thrilled to be a part of Oval's groundbreaking work, and he believes that this is an exciting time to be at the forefront of emerging tech like Generative AI and Metaverse for environmental good and driving innovation in ways that were previously unimaginable. His enthusiasm and dedication to using technology for good continue to drive Oval's success, and he remains committed to leveraging these emerging technologies to create a more inclusive and equitable future. 


Mansoor is a Global Shaper and Incoming Curator at Global Shapers Karachi Hub. Mansoor graduated from the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). He is passionate about the power of emerging tech like VR, AR, blockchain, and AI to drive innovation and positive green impact!


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Gloria Amor Paredes

Gloria Amor Paredes is an environmental education and community development specialist. She is the co-founder of Salumayag Youth Collective for Forests, an Indigenous youth and women-led initiative that empowers local and Indigenous communities in the stewardship of their ancestral lands through regenerative practices and narratives. This project is based in Sto. Domingo, Quezon, Bukidnon, a Manobo-Kulamanen community on the Philippine island of Mindanao with a long history of ecological, social, and economic disadvantages. The work of Salumayag Youth is anchored on the community’s desire to nurture culture and sustain Indigenous ways of living. For Salumayag Youth, forest regeneration and regenerative agriculture must be accompanied by community storytelling and nature-based education.

Communications and OUTReach Project Team

Ngozi Edum

Ngozi is a Nature Sustainability Researcher and Policy Analyst. With extensive expertise in biodiversity, sustainable forest management, and climate change policy spanning Nigeria and Europe, she has honed her social advocacy, policy development, and research skills through her work in the Non-Profit Sectors. She has a Bachelor's degree in Forestry and Environmental Management from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, where she finished with a First-Class Honours. 


Ngozi is pursuing a research-based master's in European Forestry through the Erasmus Mundus Joint master’s degree at the University of Eastern Finland. & Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany. She firmly advocates inclusive and indigenous participation in forest management and policy formulation.


She is a member of the International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA), the biggest association of forestry students worldwide, where she volunteers as an IUFRO-Commissioner, supporting and co-leading the participation of students and young people in addressing forest and global challenges.


Ngozi has gained excellent skills in youth engagement and facilitating inclusion and active participation. An exceptional team player who continues to volunteer with organisations and networks, focusing on the forest, climate change and inclusivity of marginalised and vulnerable groups in processes. 


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Rizka Afif

Rizka Afif, the Head of The Forests Dialogue Sub-Commission in IFSA for the term 2023/2024, began his journey of impact in 2017 by empowering the Sarongge community in Cianjur, Indonesia. He taught eco-entrepreneurship skills, Sapindus rarak eco-soap making, and facilitated their sale to visitors of Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park. This initiative earned him the opportunity to represent Indonesia at the Environmental Sustainable Development Symposium 2017 in Tokyo, Japan.


Since then, he has maintained a commitment to supporting those around him, particularly in the agroforestry sector. As a Project Member of Green Leadership Indonesia, Special Region of Yogyakarta Chapter, he leads the "Sustainable Eco-Village" project in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This project educates women about hydroponic and bio-hole applications to support urban food solutions, benefiting 67 women, including mothers and the elderly.


Additionally, he is a young researcher focused on economic improvement for the Mangunan Pine Forests community in Bantul, Indonesia. His work involves food diversification with Amorphophallus muelleri, leading to a significant increase in the community's income, up to 25%. Through these endeavors, he strives to inspire youth to explore innovative ideas and adopt systematic design thinking to address various challenges.


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Oluwatoni Honour Afinjuomo

Oluwatoni Honour Afinjuomo is a graduate of the University of Ilorin with a discipline in Forestry and Wildlife, Nigeria. She is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Climate Change Policy, a program sponsored by the African Union Scholarship at the Pan African University, Institute of Water, Energy Sciences (Including Climate Change), Algeria. She is the founder of Honournaija Blog, which she started on January 3rd, 2020, and the writing brand Honors’ pen. She is a contributor to international books, namely DESIRED VERSES and MASTERVERSES, with a writing organization called Noverse Foundation in India, making her an International Co-author. 


As she is fondly called ‘Scholars Blogger Girl’ by her friends, Honour uses her blog to interview students who have won scholarships across the globe, using these stories to encourage students who aspire to win a scholarship to pursue quality education. She also interviews Entrepreneurs and, by so doing, solves the visibility challenges of Entrepreneurs. Over the past 2 years, she has successfully brought on stage 30 scholars and 30 entrepreneurs. In December 2022, she was awarded The Young Blogger of the Year by Young Writers and Creatives Awards 2022 sponsored by The Roaring Lion Newcastle, making her an award-winning blogger. In January 2023, she won the GOTNI Leadership Master class scholarship for Creative Writers and Researchers.

Honour has been a delegate for various forestry conferences, such as the Global Landscape Forum and World Earth Environment Day. She is a fellow with the Advance Initiative for International Development and is currently the Head of Green Talk with Eden World Initiative, an environmentally sustainable NGO. She is the author of the book SCHOOL NA SCAM; a book that shares the stories of a few scholars on how they beat the hurdles of their backgrounds and achieved academic excellence. She recently got selected as part of the 16 Pan African University students to attend the Chinese Bridge Summer Camp in China. 


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Bashir Isiya Ahmad

Bashir Isiya Ahmad is a 24-year-old graduate student from the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. He studied Forestry and Wildlife during his undergraduate studies. Currently, Bashir serves as the Head of the UNFCCC Sub-Commission in the International Forestry Students Association (IFSA). He is also the founder of CliMates Nigeria, an NGO based in Nigeria aimed at promoting advocacies and awareness on issues concerning Climate change.

Kudirat Oyiza Abdulkareem

Kudirat Oyiza Abdulkareem is a dedicated forestry and wildlife management professional with a passion for environmental stewardship and landscaping. With a strong background in these areas, Kudirat has made significant contributions to various impactful initiatives.


Enthusiastic about making a positive impact in environmental management and sustainability, Kudirat looks forward to contributing to meaningful projects and driving positive change. She is open to exploring opportunities to collaborate with like-minded individuals passionate about a sustainable future.


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Thadee Ubayeho

Thadee is dedicated to Conservation Agriculture with a focus on sustainable crop production. His passion lies in fruit and vegetable cultivation, demonstrating a deep commitment to land stewardship and ecological balance. Thadee thrives in challenging environments, eager to apply his expertise to conservation efforts and sustainable farming practices. His experience includes integrating crop and animal production, highlighting his skill in holistic farm management. Today, Thadee works as a Scale Innovation Intern at One Acre Fund Rwanda, where he collaborates with smallholder farmers to promote the adoption of good agricultural practices in Rwanda.

Sylvia Hagan

Sylvia, an Industrial and Organisational Psychologist and Climate Mental Health Advocate, currently pursuing her Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology at the University of Ghana. She has over 4 years’ experience in research, human capital consultancy and industry experience. Her expertise spans across perceived climate change impacts, mental health, nature-based solutions, sustainable wellbeing, organizational behaviour and organizational sustainability. Sylvia is the principal investigator for climate mental health in urban coastal communities in Accra, funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) under the Climate Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) program and she leads research on the green space exposure and mental health in Ghanaian urban cities.


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Ejolle Lovert Epie

Ejolle Lovert Epie volunteers with a nonprofit organization focused on providing policy, awareness, practices, capacity, innovation, and empowerment for forest landscape management, climatic action, and indigenous people's rights. He has led and participated in projects and programs on tree plantation, climate workshops, skill development, sustainable agriculture, waste management, conservation, coastal conservation, cultural heritage, renewable energy, and community development in the southwest region of Cameroon.


Lovert holds a bachelor's degree in law and a master's in international environmental law from the University of Yaounde 2 Soa. He is an alumnus of the OMLA Fellowship, Young Africa Landscape Leadership Forum, and Biashara Entrepreneurship Fellowship. Lovert also holds several training diplomas and is a certified and verified landscape leader from Wageningen University and Research.


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Juvenal Vitalis

Juvenal is a 21-year-old Tanzanian storyteller and podcast producer who is deeply passionate about contemporary African culture. He is driven by a genuine desire to make a difference in the world. To achieve this, Juvenal established The Unapologetic Human podcast, which serves as a platform for discussing social challenges and issues, including climate justice. He has also worked with the African School of Storytelling (AFRISOS) in Tanzania to empower grassroots voices to share Africa's cultural and natural heritage. Juvenal's work has been recognized with grants from the African Investigative Journalism Conference hosted by Wits University and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He was also a participant in last year's Landscape Leadership workshop and one of the 12 CDKN Climate Justice grant awardees. Currently, Juvenal is working on a podcast series project on climate justice with other youths who are part of the climate justice project. His mission is to inspire action for a sustainable future in the face of the climate crisis.

Sanoussi Bendjedid Rachad

Bendjedid Rachad Sanoussi is an ICT specialist from Benin who has a contagious enthusiasm for global warming issues. He strives to advocate for the inclusion of youth perspectives in digital and environmental policies. For him, digital technologies must contribute more to a more sustainable future. His passion, determination, and ambition have led him to become involved in the community and become an advocate for the SDGs by sharing and transmitting hope to young people through his work and community engagements in several organisations.

Currently, Rachad serves as a Projects and Partnerships Assistant within Ecolotrip.  Ecolotrip is a youth-led organisation of actors in environmental protection and the fight against climate change. He actively participates in dialogue and learning to shine the light on climate change issues through workshops, consultations, and forums. Also, he dedicated himself to the role of social media ambassador for the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), a multi-stakeholder forum dedicated to promoting the landscape approach.  He uses these positions to raise awareness of the importance of creating a sustainable world for all. For Rachad, it is crucial to work on involving local people in sustainable ecosystem management and sharing information. He aspires to become a policy analyst. 


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Mijaela Janco

Mijaela Janco is an indigenous woman who actively seeks opportunities to collaborate and serve Mother Earth and Indigenous Communities. She is viewed as a vast source of wisdom and a key figure in providing sustainable and efficient solutions to global issues. She believes that centering human conduct on values could significantly reduce the risk of catastrophe, not only for our species but for many others as well. She is certain that communal effort and actions can enhance the positive results that have been sought, and that respectful conduct towards our environment can help restore the harmony and peace that is being sought after.

Odaliz Andrea Mamani Tribeño

Odaliz is a leader and student with over 4 years of experience in creating and developing social projects. She is dedicated to building high-quality initiatives that have a positive impact on society. Odaliz's skills in graphic design complement her passion for the environment and education in Bolivia.


Benefiting from programs such as Youth Ambassadors, Warmi Shining, LALA, and Mujeres 360, among others, Odaliz has gained extensive experience in leadership and community development. She is also the founder of Roma, a non-profit organization dedicated to sharing academic opportunities and fostering leadership among young people in Latin America.


Committed to social change and the creation of a more inclusive and sustainable future for her community, Odaliz aims to continue collaborating on projects that promote personal and professional development, especially among young people, women, and indigenous communities in the region. She is also dedicated to fighting for the restoration of sacred ecosystems and living in harmony with Mother Earth.

Cynthia Akinyi

Cynthia Akinyi is an environmentalist and the founder of Less Plastic Organization in Kenya. She is currently pursuing a master's degree in Climate Change Adaptation at the University of Nairobi, with a major emphasis on Nature Based Solutions. Cynthia is passionate about ecosystem restoration, conservation, and working with disadvantaged groups of women. She is proud to be among the many young people globally who are spearheading change in their communities. Cynthia envisions a world where all voices are heard and considered in making sustainable decisions to address global crises such as climate change and pollution.

Sharon Lapolo

Operating in the field of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Lapolo Sharon currently serves as the Speaker for the Makerere University Tourism Association and the Speaker for the Greenlyf Network Mak chapter, where climate change mitigation activities such as tree planting, cleanups, and school outreaches are conducted. She is very dedicated and incredibly devoted to tourism and landscaping, constantly seeking out new opportunities to learn and develop skills in both fields. During her free time, she can be found reading or engaging in sports activities.

Lydia Oyediran

Lydia Oyediran is a conservation educationist who is passionate about the conservation of natural resources in her country, Nigeria. She believes that education, when properly planned and executed, is a strong tool in increasing knowledge and awareness which, in turn, can foster positive attitudes and behaviour favourable for the conservation of natural resources. Given this, she founded the Young Conservationist Network, a non-profit organisation dedicated to increasing knowledge about wildlife conservation with a primary focus in Nigeria. With her interest in technology, she is a software engineer and currently enrolled in a Master’s degree studying Forest Biometrics and Information Systems at the University of Ibadan while majoring in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Her content creation skills complement her passion for the environment and education. Lydia aims for more collaboration on projects inspiring young people to take up a career in natural sciences, especially young women in her region. To reinforce this image in the minds of people, she refers to herself as the Wildlife Star Girl.

Godwin Ogbiji

Godwin Ogbiji is a young changemaker driven by a passion to tackle the socio-environmental challenges within his community. Co-founding Biodiversity Rescue Club, he advocates for a planet where all of life has an opportunity to live. Through the organisation, he also provides biodiversity education to school children in Calabar, Nigeria, consequently, nurturing a young eco-conscious generation. As a member of the International Ecolinguistics Association, Godwin is interested in the dynamics of human relationship with the environment and how language and human interaction about the environment shapes human perception and action towards nature. He has a master’s degree in English from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.


Godwin believes that children and young people should not be neglected when critical issues around society and social change are discussed. Consequently, he advocates for the rights of children and the inclusion of young people in the governance of society. Occasionally, he teaches street-connected children literature and communication. Godwin currently works as a writer and editor, and lives in coastal city of Calabar, Nigeria. 


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Priscilla Baaba Nelson Amonoo

Priscilla Baaba Nelson Amonoo is a citizen of Ghana, West Africa. She is currently a student at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, pursuing an MPhil in Agroforestry. Her academic journey began with a BSc in Renewable Natural Resource with a major focus on Forestry and Forest Resources Management from the University of Development Studies–Nyankpala Campus.


Priscilla had her National Service with the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (CSIR) in 2022. Additionally, she volunteered as a research and teaching assistant with the Kwadaso Agricultural College in 2023.


She had the privilege of being part of the Youth in Landscape Initiative Communication Outreach team in 2023. Additionally, she is currently serving as a volunteer intern with the Research and Development team at Grandhedge International. During her time as a student, Priscilla held several leadership roles, including serving as the first female President of the Natural Resources Students’ Association, Deputy Budget Chairperson for the Student Representative Council, and Course Representative for two consecutive years.

Project Team Partners



Pê Magalhães:

GLF Youth Program Officer